Anything Soros is involved in is very bad news for normal citizens of any given country he has an interest in. I would usually call him vermin. But I've cone to the conclusion. He isn't good enough to be labeled as vermin.

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Yermak has come off in the last few posts as a regular Sir Humphrey of Yes, Prime Minister fame; loyal to his own position and the state (and I assume, to Zelensky). I'm sure he's using his connections to the West (McFaul being in his sanctions group will forever be funny to me), to re-assure them that he doesn't need these comprador aspirationists. Don't know how this is actually received westward, but I doubt they'd compromise Zelensky in wartime. Could Zelensky use the war to succeed where Yanukovych failed in terms of centralisation? It's not like they gave up on Orban (not really, anyway) or Netanyahu, despite thinking them problematic.

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